Sunday, May 8, 2011

Torx Size For Kershaw Clip

JUDAS PRIEST - New training, same image

Ya esta hecha la foto oficial con el nuevo guitarrista Richie Faulkner,al menos,la imagen de Richie Faulkner parece estar adaptada a lo que un grupo como Judas Priest supone,cuero y tachuelas en definitiva.Ahora viendo la foto oficial me hago la siguiente pregunta ¿Tal vez viendo situados Scott Travis and Richie Faulkner on one side and the rest of the group to the other side, perhaps a picture of rejuvenation of the group? Perhaps the situation casual photo? Dira.De weather anyway, we'll see the performance that gives this guy live and see if it is then as a fixed component for the grading of the new album or is the wild card and that seems to be called.


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