Thursday, May 5, 2011

Orthodontic Elastic Bite


KK Downing has spoken again after announcing his impending march of Judas Priest, this is what he said: "I would like to say a big thank you for your support and for your kind words. It is very comforting to me to be the recipient of such kindness and compassion to all of you. Some of you desire a few more details about why I resigned from the band, but I can only say that there is nothing more than what I said in my initial statement. I assure you I'm still here for you and I'm still the same person with the same feelings. I have been fortunate to have enjoyed a great life and I've met many goals, one of the most important are the friendships I made with you, my fans. With many of you I have met and enjoyed some time together, with some of you have taken me a beer and I have shared with others only a couple of laughs or simply have signed an autograph. Nothing can have been more rewarding to be experienced and enjoyed our special relationship and the things we shared together, that are music friendship and love of life itself. "The truth is that to say this now, and what could have said the day he announced his departure and that to come out and say this, rather than say nothing and make it clear my admiration for Downing as a musician, but the truth is that there are things I do not understand, to feed the group apart is that not even speak of the matter, as if this is something so normal before an imminent farewell tour, in order that and we'll see.


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