Monday, May 9, 2011

How To Repair Tv Cable Input

extracurricular activities with the Red Cross Youth Group Cofrade



The team of volunteers from the local Assembly plays English Red Cross, with financial support from its partners and limited support in addition to the acquisition of in the various raffles held during the year, along with the two local City Council has given us to fulfill our mandate, the following activities:

- Teaching a First Aid course with a duration of forty horas a un grupo de jóvenes interesados entre voluntarios y externos a la institución.
- Desarrollo de un curso de informática para nuestros jóvenes.

El Ayuntamiento de Huelva, a través de la Concejalía de Familia, Servicios Sociales y Juventud, en colaboración con Cruz Roja Juventud, desarrollará los días 6 y 7 de septiembre, en el marco de las Fiestas de La Cinta, una campaña de prevención de accidentes de tráfico con el objetivo es sensibilizar a los jóvenes sobre las consecuencias negativas del consumo de alcohol y otras drogas ante la conducción.
Para el desarrollo de la campaña 'Autopista vida', se installed next to the fairground, in the area where young people often make the bottle, an information booth at night. Will the support documentation on the effects of alcohol and other drugs such as brochures, bookmarks, notepads risk reduction ...
The objectives of this campaign are to promote responsible attitudes related to driving, prevent traffic accidents related to drug use, promote public awareness and commitment to create an alcohol-free behavior.
In the analysis of the reality of youth, conducted by Red Cross through the information provided by various government agencies, there has been a scourge which generally affects a population and particularly for young people: road traffic accidents associated with the consumption of drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, cannabis or ecstasy.
To do this, be aware that road accidents are currently the leading cause of death among young people and human behavior to be a causative factor for the vast majority of them, the city of Huelva in collaboration with [...]


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