Monday, May 16, 2011

Quotes About Confidentiality

Cookies with jam for tea. Candles

I present my collection of necklaces, jelly and crackers. They are fresh from the pantry to show off this spring summer, the original idea is from my good friend Helen's blog which precious things also do not miss this weekend state at a flea market and had a small stall of the most cute. As I was telling the original idea of \u200b\u200bit, some time ago gave me one of her necklaces little boats and I fell in love with them and with some small boats I've got to recycle it after thinking a lot about the head left it to see what you appears. Strawberry jam, blackberries, watermelon, petal ummmmm blue roses that I like that rich Oreo cookie and more at this time with a coffee jejej I leave a photo and the rest you can see it in my new page creative costume in this blog.


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