Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pregnant Cervical Mucus Dry


a day like today I was born. not have noticed if I have a great fondness for my birthday (of course I have noticed lol) and as I say almost every year around this time and as I say at any time of year, I feel good having his birthday, I feel important to myself , "ole girl a year and have not done too bad, could have done better, like everyone, but it's okay."

need to feel good, smile every day, for throwing Carriage of life to fight for me and my children. And now without further ado, here is my dear colleagues and friends blog and more,

                                                           FIESTUKI LA!

FIRST, flowers, many flowers, my favorite flowers ........

The "bush background" I like jajajja

Be prepared that at a time is the bus to pick you up at your house:


Now I'll show you would be able comfortable accommodates housing while be my guest: behold your closets:

ye Once groomed and rested from the long journey, I hope in the SALON:

(do not even want to comment on the change of palms to pines .....)

course where we will serve sumptuous foods and drinks nice:

There are more things, but chefs have not given me permission to photograph more jajajja



And of course the pies, pastry chefs, who appreciate me, has designed two special cakes for me about songs I like, here:

(It's a real cake)

This gummy!

And More .....

Accompanied by Cava, spirits ..... .... etc.etc.etc

and here GUESTS! that without some good guests, no self-respecting party!!

I, I think you are all, if someone needed or no avatar and I was confused, or I simply overlooked unintentionally.

And now a toast to all of my


All photos (except mine) are borrowed from the Internet, if an owner is bothering you, you just have to communicate and give it back.


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