Thursday, April 14, 2011

Large 11x17 Flatbed Scanners


came this morning to the office thinking, instead of shouting the song go on duty advantage that no one can hear me on an idea to post, was giving way, when I saw a poster for the opening of grocery stores, and I've seen three Pakistanis, Iranians or there, you go to say, busily organizing the genre to open.

And that image has taken me to all or the vast majority of grocery stores are run by Pakistanis, Iranians or by there you go to know, and that thought in turn has led me to my childhood, my first years of schooling, those years that many of you were not fertilized egg or formats.

encyclopedia In alvarez, you learned that : are five human races (white, black, yellow, brown and olive), and our mind was triggered by having to some men imagine copper or olives.

That made me the day of the Mission Sunday where all cocoon I repeatedly asked the nuns to let me be a beggar that day a piggy bank, which was usually aimed at girls but good, scholars and wealthy of the people ... but I think the priority order was not that ....

the day of the Mission Sunday, we were given some money boxes, which were first porcelain and later plastic shaped head, and there were, white, who did not want any kind of black, yellow, Red Indian, and the olive, and I say, that these olives should be the Orchard grocers today. Curious

memory had completely forgotten what the five races.

I'll talk about another thought too loose Today I have come to mind, there was a time that in Spain there was no red, called FLESH.

And finally, I received a prize of ANELE, blog, called BLOG, peculiar peculiar among this blog as its author.

(Fortunately, Anele has not set conditions for forwarding or anything like that ......
Thanks )


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