Thursday, April 7, 2011

Brown Cervical Mucus 12 Dpo


today I especially remember one of my grandmothers used to say, when you get older they are all aches and pains.

Well, it's an old catchphrase. But to say that phrase as a young man like me .... That ... ..

My grandmother at 55 years was a grandmother, grandmother, black dress, apron and plaid bow on his head.

My mother at 55 years was a Lady, "fixed" to go to the doctor or purchase.

I am a young man who has surpassed 50. I've always

thought that before women in the ads out of detergents and now out "girls" my age ....

All this comes to you today had MAMMOGRAPHY. You know, are things to take care after a certain age, better safe than sorry ... I started

mammograms, then when I was a few years, I added the evidence of prevention for cervical cancer. And today he handed me the result of the mammogram, I have said, Conxa you join me?? It was a split second but that shit I entered, Conxa, as you pass the 50, you prize, from now on I want you to do prevention trials colon cancer, it is at home, so, so and so.
And I've heard myself, and had promised not to tell anyone that he had done!,
"From a certain age are all ailments ... .."

And that I do not speak of decalcification of menopause,
... ... a couple of years ago, I spoke of mammograms, but humorous, HERE:
Pd. The test for colon cancer, is to take a stool sample on three consecutive occasions, and adhere to a piece of cardboard they give you, and mailed in the same envelope that you deliver. If my grandmother

know that we can now send mail shit up .......

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