Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How Long Can Herpes Survive On Cup

THURSDAY can not stand

I can not handle, do not want to go shopping ... .. at least where I have come, in my two peoples, I remember that I live on the border between two villages, which I and allowed to live in a park on the other, for example, or the Mercadona from where I work.

say that this past year has won not a few million euros, of course I won! All others are involved, immersed, absorbed and others .... In the economic crisis and we have drawn as if possessed to buy brands, and as practically Mercadona no marks other than their own, as to buy brand mercadona, landowner, forest green, Deliplus ,,,,.

Before there was always a first mark and next to the landowner, the landowner just now, I can not compare and secure and price is just the first mark.

On Wednesday, or today, I go to my own stupidity, I find nothing of vegetables or fruit, which, moreover, not that I like a lot, but sometimes are not bad, but on Wednesday are empty the shelves .... So I will not.

And then the cashiers ... .. yes, that there is everything and everywhere, but I find myself with some ....

In fact I have returned more than one purchase golpeármela on the tape is not the same product for the slide scanner, scanner and throw it to the tape, I say, as I said, sorry, anúlame these apples ... why?? The beaten and you do not want, and watch the meat comes from now ... ..; course look at me with that face more pejiguera aunt or stretched ....

Mercadona short I do not like, they feel as the navel of Spain, are hooked, there is a mercadona on every corner ... ..;
Fortunately there are others, least around here, which so far have not been able to upload the head and they have forgotten how they started and what were their prioridades.Y continue to have all, or almost todo.c

Safe Creative #1104078919796


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