Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hospital Adult Diaper Use

another warehouse.

On Saturday April 16, had agreed to visit BODEGAS TORRE ORIA, who are in this area, surely sound familiar, is the only winery in the Region which is licensed to do CAVA.

When we arrived at the winery which is located in Requena and belongs to the Utiel-Requena, there were already several people waiting for their tour, as we said we had to wait a bit, take the opportunity to take some photos.

From the beginning I felt we had not had any luck with the group and I managed a great time.
agree with a certain group of couples accompanied by children crying out to communicate among themselves, were eager to laugh and a damn that they would people outside their group. I've got the wrong business.

For the sake of the winery, we asked if we minded start the tasting, rather than leaving it to the end, after hearing the reasons, we told them no problem.

As our guide, a young girl was putting the bottles on the tables, one of the men in that group, without thinking twice begins to uncork bottles and distributed in the glasses, and some start drinking, passing thousands of phone. I was hallucinating. Had he come to eat and drink??

case, I decided to concentrate on my own, category two wines and champagne. It was a pretty poor taste in terms of education level, the girl was a little fish in wine, only knew cava. Going a little disaster thing.

then descend to the cellar, and although the girl insisted that we did not make noise and talk in low voices, the group will spend the time crying, hiding and scaring women as they passed, and by turning the light. The poor guide, he could not solve at first and then it was impossible.
Certainly children, nor were they heard.

Luckily the winery at least, was very nice. I made a few photos, was quite difficult with the crowd.

And so on Saturday morning.


Safe Creative #1104209023576

Monday, April 18, 2011

Paper Holder Blueprints


YAEL NATALI, Argentina is a young singer who aspires to Miami to participate in a contest, for it has to spend prior to vote online. Independent

we like it or not your style, it does pretty well and ... what it costs us to give a boost?

Here the link, it's 4 seconds!!


Animo going to lend a hand, that women are very hard worker!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Large 11x17 Flatbed Scanners


came this morning to the office thinking, instead of shouting the song go on duty advantage that no one can hear me on an idea to post, was giving way, when I saw a poster for the opening of grocery stores, and I've seen three Pakistanis, Iranians or there, you go to say, busily organizing the genre to open.

And that image has taken me to all or the vast majority of grocery stores are run by Pakistanis, Iranians or by there you go to know, and that thought in turn has led me to my childhood, my first years of schooling, those years that many of you were not fertilized egg or formats.

encyclopedia In alvarez, you learned that : are five human races (white, black, yellow, brown and olive), and our mind was triggered by having to some men imagine copper or olives.

That made me the day of the Mission Sunday where all cocoon I repeatedly asked the nuns to let me be a beggar that day a piggy bank, which was usually aimed at girls but good, scholars and wealthy of the people ... but I think the priority order was not that ....

the day of the Mission Sunday, we were given some money boxes, which were first porcelain and later plastic shaped head, and there were, white, who did not want any kind of black, yellow, Red Indian, and the olive, and I say, that these olives should be the Orchard grocers today. Curious

memory had completely forgotten what the five races.

I'll talk about another thought too loose Today I have come to mind, there was a time that in Spain there was no red, called FLESH.

And finally, I received a prize of ANELE, blog, called BLOG, peculiar peculiar among this blog as its author.

(Fortunately, Anele has not set conditions for forwarding or anything like that ......
Thanks )


Safe Creative #1104148972003

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cervical Cancer Diagrams

youth groups are helping brothers in a fraternity in different tasks.

involved in assisting those responsible for the Brotherhood in the decoration and arrangement of religion as it comes time for Easter. They are responsible for preparing the transition and the decoration, they find that all this points to the release of his brotherhood.

also help not only during Holy Week, but throughout the year because they are responsible to clean all chandeliers are spotted at Easter.

Brotherhood groups in some young people may decide some cultural activities to make more young people know the Easter and join her.

means that apart from looking after their entire Brotherhood these young people can relax and have fun with it.

Mount And Blade Europe 1200


Once upon a time a city Call Valencia, who had a large river that crossed, called the River Turia.

Once upon a time the river rose and rose by rain causing a terrible flood

That, I know, for books and because I counted, but I saw the river dry when it reaches the capital, for many years was left to fend for themselves until they began to use ...

is a huge park for everyone from the athlete, who wants to walk your dog, you want a beer or want their children to have fun, really is spectacular.

even have done things well out of the water.

(all photos here are borrowed from the network)

have also left space for celebrations and meetings on time, the last day 3 I went to the

XXIII Mostra de Vins, i Caves de la Comunitat Valenciana Licors

I was very punctual, most of the first .....

I watched the posts before deciding, food stamps she was 4 and 4 drinks, and many wineries and very many variety of products to choose from,

delicious sausages

A wonderful baked rice casserole

craft beer (wheat)

Little by little encouraging, do not miss the music.

can even find the odd famous

And of course, putting into practice what I learned at the tasting!

NOTE ON THE FATE of the River Turia:

are famous for their flood, especially of October 14 1957 of , known as Gran flood of Valencia, with a flow of 3,700 m³ / s flooded much of Valencia City producing a chaos in the population.
This did create a project to divert the river and prevent further flooding, the city it sought to build new infrastructure for the growth of the city. This project was realized with the construction of a new channel diverting the south of the city, known as Plan Sur , that is apparently dry river bed, because he only runs flow during floods, as the ordinary flows used for irrigation of the Vega de Valencia in ditches footage from the Repartiment Dam.

De Plan the construction of the South if I remember, and from the window I'm seeing now.
The river reaches the sea.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Brown Cervical Mucus 12 Dpo


today I especially remember one of my grandmothers used to say, when you get older they are all aches and pains.

Well, it's an old catchphrase. But to say that phrase as a young man like me .... That ... ..

My grandmother at 55 years was a grandmother, grandmother, black dress, apron and plaid bow on his head.

My mother at 55 years was a Lady, "fixed" to go to the doctor or purchase.

I am a young man who has surpassed 50. I've always

thought that before women in the ads out of detergents and now out "girls" my age ....

All this comes to you today had MAMMOGRAPHY. You know, are things to take care after a certain age, better safe than sorry ... I started

mammograms, then when I was a few years, I added the evidence of prevention for cervical cancer. And today he handed me the result of the mammogram, I have said, Conxa you join me?? It was a split second but that shit I entered, Conxa, as you pass the 50, you prize, from now on I want you to do prevention trials colon cancer, it is at home, so, so and so.
And I've heard myself, and had promised not to tell anyone that he had done!,
"From a certain age are all ailments ... .."

And that I do not speak of decalcification of menopause,
... ... a couple of years ago, I spoke of mammograms, but humorous, HERE:
Pd. The test for colon cancer, is to take a stool sample on three consecutive occasions, and adhere to a piece of cardboard they give you, and mailed in the same envelope that you deliver. If my grandmother

know that we can now send mail shit up .......

Safe Creative #1104078919796

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How Long Can Herpes Survive On Cup

THURSDAY can not stand

I can not handle, do not want to go shopping ... .. at least where I have come, in my two peoples, I remember that I live on the border between two villages, which I and allowed to live in a park on the other, for example, or the Mercadona from where I work.

say that this past year has won not a few million euros, of course I won! All others are involved, immersed, absorbed and others .... In the economic crisis and we have drawn as if possessed to buy brands, and as practically Mercadona no marks other than their own, as to buy brand mercadona, landowner, forest green, Deliplus ,,,,.

Before there was always a first mark and next to the landowner, the landowner just now, I can not compare and secure and price is just the first mark.

On Wednesday, or today, I go to my own stupidity, I find nothing of vegetables or fruit, which, moreover, not that I like a lot, but sometimes are not bad, but on Wednesday are empty the shelves .... So I will not.

And then the cashiers ... .. yes, that there is everything and everywhere, but I find myself with some ....

In fact I have returned more than one purchase golpeármela on the tape is not the same product for the slide scanner, scanner and throw it to the tape, I say, as I said, sorry, anúlame these apples ... why?? The beaten and you do not want, and watch the meat comes from now ... ..; course look at me with that face more pejiguera aunt or stretched ....

Mercadona short I do not like, they feel as the navel of Spain, are hooked, there is a mercadona on every corner ... ..;
Fortunately there are others, least around here, which so far have not been able to upload the head and they have forgotten how they started and what were their prioridades.Y continue to have all, or almost todo.c

Safe Creative #1104078919796

Monday, April 4, 2011

How Much Is 60 Grams Of Alcohol

what to do in spring? Musical Idols

Today we

to talking about what can be done in spring (now that the good time):

- Go to the field and / or beach
- Going out to eat at a restaurant (terraces)
- Trekking
- Swim at sea as
pool - Going to the movies
- Walking
- Take the bike and walk around

typical Spring Festival :

- Easter
- La Feria de Abril
- Las Fallas
- La Cruz May
Cordoba patios - many concerts and fiestas
- etc.
