Thursday, January 15, 2009

Other Ideas Other Than A Wedding Guest Book

Mike Mills close to the heart and Obsolete

If any of the 3 readers of this blog does not know who Mike Mills, please be kind enough to contact: also

, the 3 readers of this blog know I love REM and I could see them live October/2008 Bogota. I managed a second row, right in front Peter Buck and Michael Stipe when sang "The One I Love " was one of those who greeted him with a touch on the arm.
The music library I have several backups is precisely that of REM

But my love for REM fanaticism is not so much to do that years ago hico Dona Francisca de Orlando, Florida, better known as "Mizz Mills " Mike's face tattooed on his chest Mills :

La foto es de aqui .

La verdad, me encantaría poder tomarme una foto con la señora y su tatuaje, sería un recuerdo de Orlando más interesante que la foto con Mickey Mouse.

Imperdible la entrevista que le hacen en el blog donde encontré la foto:

Ah por cierto, no se quien estará más loco será más creativo, la señora del tatutaje o el entrevistador/autor del blog que se cree/hace pasar por ... bueno, mejor veánlo ustedes mismos ...


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