Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bikini Waxing San Luis Obispo

happens in real life

One of the most renowned shopping Davivienda is the Flames, in which a man asks the mechanic to decorate your vehicle with lots of flames.

Until today I thought it was one of many creative ideas of the advertising agency responsible for campaign, however, I see this commercial is inspired by a history of real life.

In Lima, Peru, the statue of José de San Martín a woman who has a "native called" (ie, the animal of the camelid family ) in your head, Instead of a "flame votive "(fire offered as honor).

few years ago when I visited Lima, I passed the statue of San Martín, I took some pictures there, but I did not notice this detail, which now is widely discussed in blogs and tourism sites in the Peruvian capital.

Flame Votive - Photo Ellefolk_

Via: Apuntes Peruanos and Where .

Thursday, January 15, 2009

How To Write Noon On A Wedding Invitation

Life is a chicken ... Carrying

My grandfather said:
"Life is a chicken, and it is important

be in the highest branches
to others is not shit in a"

Today I found this teaching represented graphically

Other Ideas Other Than A Wedding Guest Book

Mike Mills close to the heart and Obsolete

If any of the 3 readers of this blog does not know who Mike Mills, please be kind enough to contact: also

, the 3 readers of this blog know I love REM and I could see them live October/2008 Bogota. I managed a second row, right in front Peter Buck and Michael Stipe when sang "The One I Love " was one of those who greeted him with a touch on the arm.
The music library I have several backups is precisely that of REM

But my love for REM fanaticism is not so much to do that years ago hico Dona Francisca de Orlando, Florida, better known as "Mizz Mills " Mike's face tattooed on his chest Mills :

La foto es de aqui .

La verdad, me encantaría poder tomarme una foto con la señora y su tatuaje, sería un recuerdo de Orlando más interesante que la foto con Mickey Mouse.

Imperdible la entrevista que le hacen en el blog donde encontré la foto:

Ah por cierto, no se quien estará más loco será más creativo, la señora del tatutaje o el entrevistador/autor del blog que se cree/hace pasar por ... bueno, mejor veánlo ustedes mismos ...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Carnival Cruise Brazilian Bikini Wax


Hoy quiero make a couple of recommendations:

# 1. A post: abandonware.

Seeking a screenshot of Harvard Graphics for MS-DOS found this post:
Very well done, brought back many memories of my first computer, back in the year 1989 (or was it 1990?).
So many things to say, sure to write a post about it soon.

# 2. A blog: Obsolete.

a couple of months ago and I have been following the blog by RSS Obsolete. I just love
do not know if this is a matter of nostalgia or memorabillia, but I had a great time reading your entries.

Although I like being up to date technology, feel a special affection for that amount of obsolete and abandoned that I have saved in my home, my parents' house and who knows where else. Many
tells me not to store garbage, but I can not let go of many things from them, and gives me a strange feeling to see that amount of "junk technology" that could be used, or at least give a second wind of life through programs like Computers for Schools , that while the OLPC reaches these parts in bulk is much that can be done with these parts.

PS I think the fascination with antiques, old stuff obsolete, and other gadgets, is inherited from my father. For the 1924 model shows this which belonged to my grandfather, now newly restored and I could use the day of my marriage.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mobile Broadband Hack

Powerpoint and consultant, the couple

Many times in my daily work I said spent much of my time using PowerPoint , or better "in powerpoin mulling t".
This phrase has caused much favor among some colleagues, who surely will not understand the difference between a goal and a half, but that's another discussion.

I've come across a post of Raúl Hernández González (Anonymous Consultant "), from whom I borrow his words, like many consultants, I feel like its own:

" I still from time to time someone sees one of my presentations more "traditional" and says " go, how you are consultant note.
Yes, that must be it. Powerpoint and consultant, the couple ."

It happens to someone else?

Who else, as I learned in the late 80's on a PC running MS-DOS to make presentations and graphics "Harvard Graphics " ?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Funny Motorhome Clipart

Genesis 2.0

to enlarge


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ok To Freeze Fresh Carrot Juice?

Record in

Click on image to enlarge. 14:35 screen captured the Jan-7-2009

And that is becoming a national sport hunting mistakes
I think today's record, in the same news :

"... the government will continue to provide all garantazas to realize the liberation ..."

"... not considered as sufficient guarantee the ICRC ..."

"... stressed the importance of what signifcant Red Cross ..."

"... signature cards with nun inteelctuales group that manitnee dialogue ..."

seems they're hiring the forum members as news writers, Hoygan!