Monday, February 28, 2011

Compression Stockings

and ..... DISCOVERIES NEW - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

March Tomorrow begins my month for excellence, I think I know and all, I am aware that I am the heaviest heavy with the birthday theme, but it doesn't matter! I like, not be heavy, of course, but celebrate my birthday. It is the day I was born, could have been born one day but it was this. And if clear that many people born that day, including Spain's most famous biologist (although in another year), but I was born, and that's what counts, I am happy birthday, because I am alive, not living alone breathing, but alive to live. Some of you

me welcomed, but even grateful means:


I'll report, but it has to be the day, or as close to date failing .....

And last Monday to be more convenient to digest, and because Stanley does not encourage us with your
"Monday, Monday" I will share with you the great discovery.

the end he found:

Murcia is


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