Monday, February 28, 2011

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What to do on a rainy day

In those days not very good time we can:

- Call a friend to
- Connect to a network messenger or
- Watch a movie
- Although do not feel like studying.
- Make a blog.
- Listen to music.
- Playing a sport.

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skateboarding or skateboarding is a sport that consists of sliding on a board with wheels. In short it means just skate, which is also the term used to name the skate board on which to practice skateboarding. Is related to surfing, street culture, with urban art, but many skaters just skate in streets or squares. Are ramperos, who only skated on ramps. In fact, in many competitions there are two categories (or higher): Street (street style) and vert (ramp), because an individual can slide down the slopes of a skatepark yet have little to do in the style of street.

This sport was invented in 1963 in Malibu, California, United States, Mickey Munoz and Phil Edwards as a substitute for ground surfboard. They removed the wheels to skates, they are put to a wooden board and called their invention Surf Roll. Created from a variation of surfing has developed a great attraction and interest for many, and usually a publicity gimmick for young people (skaters or not.) Skating on a report in 2002 for the American Sports Data found that there were 40.5 million skateboarders in the world, being 84% under 18 years, of which 74% were men and 26% women.

This sport has been an increase in world skaters but more skateparks to practice them.

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Breakdance Skate Bodyboard

The Break Dance is an urban dance that is part of Hip Hop culture emerged in the African American neighborhoods as New Yorkers in the Bronx and Brooklyn 70.

Download: Bboy break dance born in the United States by Americans and later Latinos as a form of separation from the community and as an expression of feelings through the body. Shortly thereafter flourished in Japan, with the Rock Steady Crew.

s a dance that combines a series of aerobics and rhythmic movements, influenced from aboriginal dances, martial arts, gymnastics, and funk. The list of movements is enormous and requires great dedication and discipline to take place. Bboying movements can be classified into 4 branches: toprock (ball up), footwork (dance floor), power moves and freezes / suicides.
[edit] Movements

These are the four kinds of movements.

Toprocks: Dance standing. Simply follow the rhythm of the music and making it move in the less disciplined and more open. Some steps are the Indian toprock Step, Salsa, Step, Step Brooklyn. The falls and down to ground level drops

called Footworks: These are the dance steps are made on the ground with his hands and feet. The support simple steps, most of the weight on the feet and the most complicated in the knees. There are several basic steps including: 6-step, 4-step, Babylove, pretzels or cc's, etc.

powermove: It is often the most difficult and spectacular movements of bboying that require greater physical capacity. Some of them are the Windmill, Flares, Airflares, Halos, Nineteens and 2000's.

Freezes: Is the movement in which the Bboy "freezes" for a moment the beat of the music. They are also the most difficult, requiring mostly balance and range of motion. Some of the moves are the babyfreeze, airchair, chair, nikefreeze, etc.

Breakdancing is ageless

basic steps breakdance

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March Tomorrow begins my month for excellence, I think I know and all, I am aware that I am the heaviest heavy with the birthday theme, but it doesn't matter! I like, not be heavy, of course, but celebrate my birthday. It is the day I was born, could have been born one day but it was this. And if clear that many people born that day, including Spain's most famous biologist (although in another year), but I was born, and that's what counts, I am happy birthday, because I am alive, not living alone breathing, but alive to live. Some of you

me welcomed, but even grateful means:


I'll report, but it has to be the day, or as close to date failing .....

And last Monday to be more convenient to digest, and because Stanley does not encourage us with your
"Monday, Monday" I will share with you the great discovery.

the end he found:

Murcia is

Friday, February 25, 2011

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FRIDAY .....

And the last of the month. MARCH IS COMING !!!!! and of course my birthday, "I had already said?

On Tuesday, the countdown begins!


Monday, February 21, 2011

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DEPROT The bodyboard is a widely practiced, Coniste in which the person is placed on a bodyboard and no separate body table takes waves.


Bodyboards - Neoprene
- Fins
- Nice weather and waves. To do this you leave a link to a page where you can check the weather and a video:

Friday, February 18, 2011

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the Finder is HERE !!!!!

leave here a collection of I've been posting jokes over the years:



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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has happened again!! MONDAY THOUGHTS

name is my birthday and ale, I'm in the spotlight! and that this time I have hidden, but they have been searched as Stock Photos! THERE IS NO PRIVACY!

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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effects on youth leisure

also have many ways that young people have fun there are many ways for the teen to lose control or fall into some temptation:

1. Drugs and alcohol, many teenagers to get the maximum benefit when it comes to fun, start to try, again and again until they attempt to leave because they can not.
The drugs and alcohol are the ways · more fun ¨ used and the most dangerous.

2. Social networks: a continued abuse of the use of social networks can be harmful to the nervous system of a teenager. A study shows that a social networking service, cause a decrease of 5 hours in the rest of adolescents. Most adolescents are affected by ebfermedad ¨ ° is due to the rapid spread of social networks and the intertnet.

3. Also healthy, sport can be dangerous for adolescents because too much in sports can cause both physical and psychological problems.

All these services are related, all make the distance of teen studies, ie the time formerly devoted to the study now being devoted to these vices.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Trailler Mario Salieri


That I have a brilliant mind, you know, I know. The rest of the world has some reservations about it, but I have a brilliant mind, especially in those moments of sleep-candle, and though certainly not come to the case, I think he is the best for sex, usually have great ideas that if he could capture them at that moment on paper or in any other medium would eliminate the reluctance of the rest of the world, and even my unwanted items would be best considered by the media here and around, let the globe.

When I leave the sleep state-sailing, which I remember were my thoughts, what I thought but to narrate as it is another thing. I can not, I forgot that great phrase, that tone, that expression ... ... and then came to the disturbing conclusion that the brilliance of my mind is locked, which has no exit option, which can never delight the world ... ... .. then I'll settle for writing this.

Pd. For those who do not know me: Please if you appreciate the irony and sense of humor, put it yourself ok? (I assure you that was the intention, but of course I am not in the sleep-candle)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Exercise And Labyrinthitis

This sport could be very entertaining and can also provide a nice view of something as wonderful as the seabed.
to practice this sport is a good-necessary diving equipment (wetsuit, goggles, oxygen tank ...),
also to save the memories and pictures you can take an underwater camera and essentially a beautiful sea to explore.
A diver must also possess an adventurous spirit and a large capacity for observation.
To get most out of your hobby you can dive with a group of friends always see interesting things with them. Nor should you forget contr with the necessary resources to face an unexpected realm predicament or situation.
Tell us as he has been the experience in our comments.

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Diving wakeboard

Wakeboarding is a sport that combines surfing, water skiing and snowboarding. That can be practiced in swamps, lakes and beaches.

is a mode in which a ski is not used but a sliding board ("board").

is practiced in calm water and is used in the wake of movement of the boat to perform aerial stunts.
fasteners are used on the feet and mounted the same way as a surfboard or a snowboard (on snow).
boats are used with greater heating, which produces a wave is greater and allows for better results when viewing the antics.

The pilot is usually towed by a boat, usually at a speed of 20-25 miles per hour, depending on water conditions.

In Spain, the season is usually from May (if there is good weather) to late September. In these months of beginning and end of season usually need a wetsuit as the water is cold and if you're learning, you will spend considerable time in the water. It is a sport ideally practiced in environments where the water is calm, so that the marshes and lakes are the enclave ideal, but may also be done in a very calm sea. Many riders have their own boats and practice it with friends every weekend.

find a wakeboarders in the world, but the regions with warm climates are the best places to practice wakeboarding because you can do throughout the year. Spain, Argentina, Auatralia, South Africa, Singapore, Dubai, Thailand and Japan are among the best destinations. But wake Mecca is undoubtedly Florida, where they invented the sport.